Thursday, November 22, 2007

Winter's arrival.

Well folks, it looks like winter is here. We got a whopper of a storm last night, and the snow is still falling. It certainly looks a lot better on the ground than when it just rains. Too bad the first snows of the year never last.
Actually, it's just as well this will melt. It's more grainy than fluffy. It was raining before it got cold enough to snow, so uncovering the car wasn't easy.
I'm looking forward to some nice winter weather. A nice, gentle snowfall, a cup of tea and something decent to read. You know how the song goes, chestnuts roasting on an open fire... All I know is, I'm sick of grey, dull days.
The down side is that so many people haven't figured out that it isn't summer anymore. My buddy Jeff came over for coffee last night, and passed three cars in the ditch. It seems to me that if you see sleet, you should have the sense to slow down to a speed you can control. If the weather is too bad, stay home for pity's sake.
I've always been comfortable riding with my wife or her sister. They drive at reasonable speeds, watch what they are doing, and just generally are safer than the average person on the road.
So, keep a thought for winter safety, but do get out and enjoy the snow when it finally does get here for good.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Ah, the first snow day of the year. It is rather nice to see something other than rain for a change. You're right, not enough people truly drive safe. With you and Aunt Sandra behind the wheel I'm fine, it's the other drivers we have to look out for! I've never been in the same car as Aunt Sandra's sister, so I can't really speak for her...
As soon as we get snow that sticks you have to build the first snow man with us! Lol