Sunday, November 18, 2007

And I dreamed

Lately, I've been having some very strange dreams.
For example, the other night, I dreamed that my brother was suddenly going on a homicidal spree. Somehow it became my job to stop him and clean up the rather gory mess. I don't watch horror movies or anything, so I don't know where that came from. For another thing, my brother, while not the most calm person in the world, is not prone to senseless violence.
Last night was even stranger.
For some unknown reason, a bunch of dope peddlers were trying to force my father and myself into the business. (I know, but who said dreams had to make sense?) The more I'd tell these two clowns to bugger off, the harder they would try. So I just worked my way up the food chain of this little organization, making a right nuisance of myself until they were doing everything they could to avoid me.
Dreams are tricky things. Sometimes they are warnings of things you should be aware of but are not able to consciously deal with. Other times, they are a way for your mind to sort through daily events, to put things together. Then you have dreams like the ones I have just written about. They have absolutely no context in the waking world. It's like every image you have ever seen just got piled in a jumble and put together as a picture.
I can usually tell when I'm dreaming. At that point, I can either ignore the dream, or see where it takes me. Last night, I didn't manage to control anything. I was just along for the ride.
It's kind of like paying ten bucks to see a comedy movie with a bunch of friends, and just not getting it. In the cold light of day, the dream makes even less sense, and is even less entertaining. Not unlike the movie "Dumb and Dumber".

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