Monday, November 19, 2007

My mother-in-law, continued

As I have written before, my mother-in-law has been living alone for just over a month now. Being a somewhat older woman, my wife and I worry about her.
Since my last post about her, she has moved into her brother-in-law's home. He and his wife have gone away for several months, and offered her the use of the house. I am glad she accepted. It brings her closer to Sandra and I, to the point that we can visit with her once each week.
The house is actually and ideal spot for her, for the time being. She is right next door to one of her best friends. If it were not for the garage and a hedge, they could wave to each other from the kitchen windows. She is near good shopping and her church.
It's a good situation for Percy too. Leaving your home unattended for any length of time is rather nerve wracking. Now he knows that there will be someone in the house each night. There will be cars in and out of the driveway, deterring thieves. If Mary weren't there, he would have to rely on timers and occasional visits by a neighbour.
Like I have suggested, it's a win-win situation.
Sandra and I have been over to the house once already. I can see where our visits will be a good thing. The carpet is rather thick, and I don't know if Mary is up to vacuuming them. There are a lot of chairs that will have to be moved to do a good cleaning job. The bath is something she definitely cannot do herself, because of the sliding shower doors. She cannot bed that way for medical reasons, so I will clean out the tub for her.
I think the best part of her being in Morrisburg is that Sandra can see her often. They might not always see eye-to-eye on things, but I know that they miss each other terribly. And as I have said, Sandra worries about her. Sandra gets to have her mother back, and I get to look after the both of them.
The down side is that Mary does not really feel at home in the house. If she had moved her things into an empty space, it would be different, but as it stands, she sometimes feels like an intruder. All of Marilyn and Percy's things are there, and she doesn't want to mess with the settings on things. I can understand her position. I'd feel the same way.
Once she is in a place of her own, she will be even better off. Sandra will be more content, and eventually, all will be right with the world. Well, sort of.

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