Monday, December 29, 2008

Yes, I still exist.

It's been a long time since I last posted anything here. So long, that I don't really know where to begin to post.

With the new year upon us, I thought that maybe it was time to get back to writing something other than fiction or business letters to tenants. You see, that is how I have been spending the greater part of my time these last few months. As you might imagine, I feel a little cut off when I don't have my computer in front of me.

Unfortunately, this particular machine is reaching the end of it's useful life. It's been giving me a lot of error messages regarding virtual memory. Certain applications will shut down my Internet browser without warning.

It's fortunate that we don't become obsolete as quickly as the tools we use. That is the only thing that keeps the machines from taking over the planet. Computers are getting closer and closer to sentience, but until they can think and evolve for themselves, they will become outdated and need humans to repair, maintain and upgrade them.

With luck, I will be able to update this machine, and get another five years from her.

I am still very much the superintendent of the building we live in. My immediate bosses seem to be quite happy with what I have done here. In fact, some of the company brass were here, and thought that I was doing a good job. How they divined this I do not know, since I merely showed them a few units, and explained how I see the place.

Perhaps that is really enough for any employer really. When you take ownership and pride in what you do, it shows. They know that you will do what it takes to make the company happy, because you want what is best for your part of it.

I'm still getting around pretty good, though my tired spells are becoming a little more frequent and lasting a little longer. My appetite is ridiculous, but I'm not exactly putting on the pounds. I eat like crazy, but we do eat healthy for the most part.

Sandra has been well enough. She did have a case of shingles for a few weeks, and it nearly drove her nuts. Having never had them myself, I can only take her word for the pain and itch. I did the best I could to help her, with a cold pack and Aveeno baths. The doctor did more, by recognizing it quickly and prescribing the right anti-viral medication.

Christmas was a bit of a let down this year. Times being tight, it was hard to get the gifts that we wanted. Certain members of the family were in less than the holiday spirit. Put that together with uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, and things weren't what we might have hoped for. We've decide to start doing things a little more simply. We will get what will mean the most as gifts next year, and sleep in our own beds.

At any rate, I do mean to post more frequently now. Forgive me if things still aren't what you call interesting reading.