Wednesday, June 4, 2008


There has been a lot of discussion in a forum I subscribe to about the validity of polygamy as a form of relationship. Comments ranged from the 'let them all burn in Hell' to the 'hey, unless it's forced or involves me' sort of thing. People backed there positions based on sketchy cultural data, or biblical verse, which turned out to be just as sketchy.

To be honest, I can see where polygamy might work outside of the context of marriage, either civil or religious. It would have to be a contract among consenting adults, with the option of leaving at any time. Everyone involved would have to be willing to be responsible for his or her actions at all times, and actions of jealousy would be grounds for terminating the entire contract.

Such an arrangement could be convenient for those wanting family, but not ready for the commitment of getting married. Children of the community would be raised by the community, with no regard for who their biological parent is.

All of that being said, I cannot come out in favour of polygamy as a lifestyle. To me, that kind of relationship is all about two people who are committing to each other. My wedding vows state that I will keep myself only for my wife, forsaking all others. That is what love is supposed to be all about.

Free love went out in the sixties. Thank heavens for that.

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