Monday, January 7, 2008

Writing style

I think lately that I have been given to flights of printed fantasy. Blame it on my most current reading material. There is nothing quite so inspiring to the imagination as the adventures of a rather flighty young woman trying to imagine her future.
On the other hand, I really shouldn't let such things get in the way of my own writing. I need my writing to be in my own person, not a dim copy of Lucy Maud Montgomery. Heaven knows I have imagination enough of my own. Just ask around.
My talents do not lie in the realm of fictional writing though. I've started stories, but I just can't describe the events and settings in my mind. Sure they come out easily enough, but they sound trite and formulaic. Maybe my imagination isn't so very much my own after all. It could be that all of my fantasies are borrowed. After all, I do so much reading.
I have discovered that my style of writing is very much more formal. I write a wonderful letter. My grandmother loves to receive the short ones that I write to her. In my work for the Pastor, I have written letters to be circulated among high officials both inside and outside of the church. One of those letters has even been sent, with minimal alteration, to the office of the Prime Minister of Canada.
My posts here have been very much my opinion on numerous subjects. That is really the point of blogging. I just beg your indulgence when I do go off into my little flights of imagination.

1 comment:

Steph said...

The imagination is one of the most important things we possess. (In my humble opinion.) It is when we lose our creativity, that we tend to fail. When we lack the initiative, when we lose our motivation, we tend to lose site of what our goals are and how to get there.
That's my problem with biology right now. I've just, I have no real...I can't explain it. Right now though, we're looking at the theories of evolution and the historical thinking behind them, that's more my thing. So **shrugs** I guess my interests have changed is all.
That would have an effect on your imagination.