Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another move

My sister is getting set to move again. The house she has been renting is just too much for her. She really only took it as a favour for a friend. Between that and being stuck in a town that has, like, nothing, she has had enough.
It isn't easy to find a place in town here though. She does have certain requirements. Not all of them are what you might expect.
For one thing, ghosts are out! The house she is in now is haunted. I can't prove that of course, but there have been some really weird things go on when nobody is looking. The ghosts apparently took exception to the way the tree was decorated this Christmas. Two of the ornaments FLEW off of the tree and smashed.
The other key is a private enterance. My youngest niece has issues with apartments. When she was little, she had an incident with a neighbour, nothing that hurt her, but enough to scare her so that she doesn't like apartment buildings. Her stress levels are high enough right now.
Then there is the rent. My sister is on a fixed income, like myself, so she has to be picky. That makes things just that much tougher.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I know, moving is stressful, but I know the youngest' case is a little different than that.
I'm really not sure what's going to happen. The moving date is set for April which is earlier than we expected. I'll just be happy to be out of this town...