Saturday, February 23, 2008

Where have I been lately?

I know it's been a while since I last posted. I've been spending most of my time writing and reading fan fiction. It's one of those computer applications that, once you start, it is very easy to get addicted.
On the other hand, it's a creative media as well. If you tend to get plot lines running through your head when watching a television show or movie, this is a good way to let them out. Apparently, a lot of people have this kind of affliction, because there are millions of stories available to read and review. In a lot of categories too.
Sandra has been rather upset with the amount of time I've been spending at the computer though. There are things that she would like to do as well, and we only have the one Internet connection. It would be nice to have two computers on-line. Then we could do some stuff together. Which would throw some of her friends for a bit of a loop. Our nicknames in the game site are very similar. We haven't been on at the same time since we moved.
Computers and the Internet were supposed to bring people together, but used in excess, they can get in the way of a relationship. It isn't unusual these days to have a couple in separate rooms of a house, chatting on their computes. That has to be the craziest thing. When we were in separate apartments, before we got married, we did that a lot. There are benefits to having only one computer on-line.

1 comment:

Joe Ganci said...

Joe, what kind of Internet connection do you have? If it's a relatively fast connection, and I'm understanding correctly that you have two computers but only one connection, it's easy to buy a router to connect to your cable modem or other Internet connection and then hook two or more computers to the router. You can even go wireless relatively inexpensively nowadays.