Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where Islam got it right

It isn't really politically correct to discuss religion these days. Still, I think I have to say something about the Muslim Faith, and believe me, it's positive.
In most interpretations of the Qua ran, it is forbidden for those of the Muslim faith to drink alcohol. It is considered a major sin, and a vice that can lead to even greater evil.
Last night, Sandra and I were disturbed by one of the neighbours fighting with another woman. There was an awful lot of shouting and banging. The last time I heard the "F" word shouted that loudly, there was sex involved. At any rate, we had to call the police. They came promptly and hauled one of the women away in cuffs. Unfortunately, we also had to wake the superintendent.
Now, I cannot prove the link, but I did see one of the involved parties come in by taxi with a bottle of booze. That was in the afternoon, so by two-thirty in the morning, there must have been SOME affect.
Now, putting two and two together, we come to the conclusion that, if Muslims are not permitted to drink, these things couldn't happen.
There are other things about the Islamic faith that I cannot get behind so easily. The idea that women are somehow inferior and the property of their family is just dumb to me for instance. At one time, it may have had social relevance, but in a modern age?
Before I become labeled a conservative Arab hater, I should point out here that the same sort of thing can be said for most every major religion. Every faith managed to get a little something right though.

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