Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On this day or remembrance

I am not going to preach about what happened six years ago today. Nor will I attempt to discuss the warfare that has resulted.
Today is for the memory of the three thousand souls lost to us. Today is the day that I want to be there, in a sense, for the families of the departed. For once, let's just concentrate on the ones left behind.
You have a profound sense of loss. A part of you feels like it has been taken. I understand that. As trite as it sounds, your loved ones are not totally lost. As long as we remember together, they will be a part of all of us. They go on in our hearts and yours, even if I did not know any of them personally.
To the families of the HEROES of 9-11, I just want to say, thank you. You and yours have given the most. The emergency workers of New York ran into buildings as they burned and collapsed. Each of you knew that the day might come when your loved one might not come home, and yet each day they put on that uniform and did what needed to be done.
I honor all of those who gave their lives to save their fellow man on September 11th of 2001. You gave your lives for what you knew to be right, and you will always be remembered.

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