Thursday, September 13, 2007

Still not there

I have been writing about the experiences that I have been having moving into the new apartment. At this point, we still aren't quite there. As usually happens, once you start getting into your old routines, you discover that something is not quite in the right place for convenience.
By way of example, last night I moved the coffee mugs and glasses, exchanging them with the other dishes. I was doing the supper dishes, when it occurred to me that if I put the plates in the cupboard nearer the stove, it would save time and energy when it comes time to serve meals. Sure, it sounds inane, until you consider that there will be a lot of time spent in the kitchen, with the goal of making as few moves as possible to achieve the desired result.
I have a condition that leaves me with tired spells. Every bit of saved effort is important.
This sort of thing is going to go on for at least a month, I expect.
As another example, I have a relatively small bedroom. Having mobility issues, I need the space to be maximized, from a usability point of view. Does that mean I should have space on either side of the bed, so that making it is easier, or should I have the bed against the wall, giving me more floor space. I've had to try it both ways to figure it out. Sometimes you just have to make a trial run at things.
At this point you are all probably questioning my sanity. "Is this guy for real?", you ask yourselves. The answer, of course, is yes, I am for real, an I am definitely not all sane. May the first sane person leave a comment.

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