Sunday, September 16, 2007


Well, I'm not entirely sure what to write about today.
There have been a few problems with the move, and they have been making things rather hard for my wife.
I can't really write about that too much though. I promised that this blog would not be a forum for my tendency to whine. Not that we don't all need to let out our frustrations now and then.
No, I think what I want to write about is the importance of consistency in our lives. Some people find it easy to deal with whatever comes along. The rest of us like to have set routines, and the less that those routines are interrupted, the better. Many of us are creatures of habit.
This often starts from birth. The goal of most parents is to get their baby to sleep the night through, starting at one hour and ending at some point in the morning. There is actually a lot of controversy about this. Some of the "experts" are saying that we should be teaching our children that things change early on. If somebody comes to visit while the baby is napping, don't be afraid to wake him or her up to see the guest.
On the other hand, as the child hits school age, we want them to be able to accept a more rigid routine. They have to know that they need to be up at certain times, be in places on schedule, things like that. As they get older, those schedules get tighter and tighter.
Still, those schedules are subject to change with little or no notice.
Then comes the needs of people with medical or emotional problems. (I tend to think of those two categories as one, since one usually results from the other.) Given the necessities of medication schedules and other treatment concerns, change is not a good thing. In fact, without the proper preparation, change can be very dangerous. A few missed doses of pills might not seem like much, but they can set back health care by weeks.
The only constant in the world is change. It would just be nice if the changes were a little easier to deal with.

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