Monday, July 9, 2007

This is news?

I wait with bated breath the moment my Internet homepage comes up. I have it set on the MSN Sympatico page. In the States, it would be the MSN/NBC page. It has sections of stories that come in and update on a fairly regular basis.
On today's page, one of the more prominent items is a collection of celebrity shots. All of them famous couple caught making out. I looked at this (just the link, not the photos) and just shook my head. This is what passes for news these days?
I will grant that there were a number of legitimate news stories on the home page. None of them were given the same sort of hype. In fact, the serious stories only come AFTER the stupid videos. The first section of the page rotates from one set of links to another, but the idiotic are the ones with accompanying pictures.
It's only a matter of time before our homepages put the tabloids out of business.
Ever wonder how they write those things?
I think it goes something like this,

First writer: God, I'm sick of following the Olsen twins! If there's a small tree around, you lose sight of them.

Second writer: Hey, at least you weren't out in the woods during mosquito season looking for a guy claiming to have clear pictures of Bigfoot.

Editor enters waving pictures: Okay, whoever can write the weirdest story to go with these pictures wins a trip to Hawaii to look for Elvis!

I think that's about as close to the truth as you can get. The worst part is that all of these writers went to journalism school and have student loans to pay off. I'll bet they all would rather be writing books.
It makes you wonder just how easy it is to entertain the masses, doesn't it?

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