Friday, August 10, 2007


Does anyone out there have a really good cure for insomnia? Aside from pharmaceuticals that is. My wife and I already have medications for anxiety and muscle twitches that are SUPPOSED to make us drowsy enough to sleep. What we need is an alternative for those nights when sleep just won't come.
The biggest problem is that I am a natural night-owl. I have been since the time that I was a child. I can easily spend the hours from eleven at night until three in the morning immersed in a good book. Late night television doesn't really have much to offer, with the exception of the occasional old movie.
I have a theory that the time that you were born has a lot to do with your circadian rhythm. For example, I was born at two in the morning, give or take a few minutes. All of that activity at the start of my life might have hardwired into my brain that the wee hours of the morning are the best time to be active.
I didn't say it was the most solid theory in the world.
I've heard all of the old home remedies for insomnia. The problem is, most of them just don't do a thing for me. Warm milk just makes me want to throw up. Who can sleep after a large turkey meal.
Okay, we all want to sleep after Turkey Day, but that's just a nap. Anything heavy on the stomach is not conducive to a good nights sleep. Especially if you are prone to heartburn in the first place. Besides, think of the weight gain after just a few sleepless nights.
I do know a few things that are supposed to help.
You're not supposed to read or watch television when you get into bed. Experts say that sends your body mixed signals. The bedroom is supposed to be exclusively for sleeping.
Well, and one other activity.
If you do choose to fall asleep to television or movies, black and white movies that are slow paced are recommended. Supposedly, the monochromatic light has a hypnotic effect. I can't say as I've ever tried that one out myself. I do wish I had kept a few old westerns that my mother lent me at one time.
If you find that you can't sleep after more than an hour, give it up. Get up and do something boring. If you aren't sleeping, I figure you might as well be doing something productive. Who knows, maybe you could get tapes of your old high school teachers. Some of them were the ultimate cure for insomnia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to think a frying pan to the head to knock me out for a few hours. LOL.