Thursday, August 2, 2007

Electricity deposit

As I mentioned in a previous posting, my wife and I are moving on September 1st.
Yesterday, while doing the groceries, we stopped in to the local utilities office to get a quote of what it will cost to turn on the lights. Given today's prices, I was not so surprised that the bill will average eighty dollars per month, due to electric heating. What got me was the three hundred dollar deposit.
What is the point of that? Okay, sometimes people run out without paying their bills, but three hundred dollars? By that logic, they expect that we are going to disappear and use up three months worth of electricity before we do. I don't think that would even be possible. We could have the heat up to a trillion degrees and turn on every light in the building and not use that much.
More to the point, my wife and I are on a very limited income. She has had an account with this company before and always paid her bill. Is a deposit really a necessity?
Looking at the numbers, I can see why more and more people want to live off of the grid.
For those of you not familiar with the term (where have you been the last four or five years) that means not having any utilities at all coming into your home. You produce your own electricity by means of solar or wind power. Heat is taken care of by hot water or electricity you produce yourself. Wood burning stoves have seen a major resurgence.
Some people have taken this to the other end of the spectrum. They have put up wind farms. For a certain amount of money each year, usually dependent on utility rates, they allow the electric company to harvest power from wind turbines on their property. One medium to largish windmill produces enough power for dozens of homes. Farmers put these things out in the middle of pasture, let the cows graze around them, and then get paid every time the wind blows. Now there is a deal.
If I could do this, I think I would charge a fifteen thousand dollar deposit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is utterly rediculous that a person has to pay a deposit on hydro, water and sewage everytime we move. I am moving also and have been with the same hydro company for years and had good standing with them. In my place where i am now my hydro is included in my rent. Now when i go back to them and ask what my depost would be. $300.00 plus $150.00 for water and sewage-- a grand total of $450.00--- like omg the last time i paid a deposit it was $250.00. I am on a limited income and get a certain amount of money to move. Getting someone to move me is expensive enough let alone, deposits on hydro, water, sewage, change of telephone, cable, etc. We a person is moving its usually for the better. I guess the better is filled with bills before even moving.

I have to get a moving company due to my bad back. I case you were wondering. Sure we could get a U-Haul but my friends and relatives are either disabled or of the older generation. So what is the point of trying to do it myself. I can't.

It will be nice when its done but what a hassle.