Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I am about to reveal a little bit about myself here. If you promise not to laugh that is. I wouldn't want to be responsible for injuries suffered on the Internet, you know.
I love Disney cartoons.
There, I said it.
As my friends know, we don't have children in the house. I don't babysit, and my nieces have long since grown up. Still, we have at least a dozen Disney tapes on our shelves. Some of them are starting to wear out they have been played so much. My wife loves them as much as I do. At what point do you outgrow these things?
I think my all time favourite has to be Lilo and Stitch. The music is perfect, and the story is just downright adorable. The setting lent itself to the colourful style of animation that they really perfected.
My only question is, where on God's green Earth did Lilo get the impression that Elvis Presley was a "model citizen"? Watching Stitch put his hair up and wear the spangled jumpsuit was just hilarious. No Elvis is not dead, he reincarnated as a koala-like alien and lives on a small island in Hawaii. The scene on the beach always throws me into hysterics.
Sandra, on the other hand, is big Winnie the Pooh fan. For Easter one year, I bought her a baseball shirt with Tigger on it. She wears a pair of Pooh Bear socks so much that I've had to repair a hole in the toes. We went to the Disney store in Ottawa, where she got a Grumpy sweater and a stuffed Bambi toy.
To this day, I'm a little ticked at myself for not getting the stuffed Stitch doll dressed in that jumpsuit holding his ukulele! That's just the sort of thing you've got to have. It's like one of those singing fish that rednecks keep in the bathroom.
I was just so excited when Disney bought out Pixar, the people who produced Shrek. Now they have the option of doing a lot more computer animated stuff. Between that and the traditional animation, I think Disney could be accused of having a monopoly.
My other little guilty pleasure is old Bugs Bunny and Road Runner cartoons. There is nothing quite so refreshing as sitting down with a bowl of cereal and laughing your arse off at that silly coyote. Sometimes I wish I owned the Acme company, just to find ways to mess with his head.
Like I said, I may be revealing a bit more about myself than I really should. Go ahead and laugh now, just be careful about it. After all, even when you aren't watching them, cartoons should bring a smile to your face.

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