Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My mother-in-law

I cannot wait until my mother-in-law is finally settled into a place permanently. At the moment, she is living alone. This is putting a lot of emotional strain on my wife, as we live an hour's drive away. Mom is getting up there in years, although you wouldn't know it to see the way she moves. (The woman won't stop for anything!)
Last night, her phone in the basement somehow got taken off the hook. My wife tried to call her several times. Sandra was up all night worrying. When she couldn't get an answer this morning, she woke me, and we called the police.
There is an O.P.P. detachment just across the street from her house. When I called, they said that they couldn't get anyone there in less than an hour! All we wanted was for somebody to go over and knock on the door for heaven's sake! Instead, we drove an hour to check on her ourselves.
Fortunately, it was just that the phone had fallen off of the hook.
My sister-in-law was there when we arrived. She had been trying to get hold of Mom all night too. At least she wasn't that far away, though she did have to take time off of work.
Mom wants to move to Morrisburg. There she has all of her friends and fellow church members. If she can get an apartment there, at least she will have people around her, and we can call around if we cannot reach her directly. Besides, Morrisburg is much closer, and we could get up to visit her more often. Sandra could use it as an excuse to get away from the apartment once a week or so.
Maybe I should just hurry up and win the lottery and build her a cottage right next door to us!

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