Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stupid things I do.

As many of you know, I have muscular dystrophy, and therefore have a problem with stairs and heavy lifting. Well, the last two days, I did something very foolish. I got up on a ladder and painted a ceiling.

There had been a leak in the apartment above, and that resulted in a stain on the ceiling in question. Rather than hand the company the expense of repairing the damage, I figured that I could just step up and paint over it. Big mistake.

By the time I was finished yesterday, I was aching all over from the strain of getting up the ladder and reaching to do the painting. I have a bruise on my right shin from where I banged it against the ladder at some point, and I have multiple strains.

I don't know where I would be without my wife. She massaged my aches, right through all of my whining and complaining. She even got out the muscle lotion to try and ease my right thigh and back muscles. She is a woman of great patience when I do stupid things like this to myself. Anyone else would have told me to stop bellyaching and just deal with the consequences.

Needless to say, any other such work is going to have to be done by professionals.

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