Friday, July 11, 2008

A boost to self esteem.

I got a major shot in the arm today.

The other day, I was in an on-line discussion forum, and posted that I felt my writing was crap compared to what I had read recently. While I still feel that I am very much lacking as a writer, the response to that remark has made me feel infinitely better.

One person said that my statement was patently bullsh*t, and that everything he had read by me was of a very high standard. Another reminded me that the only person I have to compare myself to is me, yesterday. Have I improved since then? The general consensus is that while being critical of my own work is a good thing, I went to far by calling it garbage.

Maybe sometimes we do harsh on ourselves a little bit too much. We want what we do to be good and noteworthy. If we forget the reason we took up writing, drawing or whatever, the fun goes out of it, and then what is the point? There is a fine line between being critical and wanting it right, and being obsessive.

So a big thank you to those who took my head out of my a**. I think maybe now I can get on with the chapters I have on my plate and feel better about it. At the very least, I can have fun.

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