Wednesday, January 28, 2009

All I can say is, WOW!

As some of you may know, I have an account at I write short stories there under the pen name of Thomas Linquist.

I was introduced to the site by my niece. She had left it up on my computer, just over a year ago. Being the curious person that I am, I just had to check it out. Glancing through the stories led me to create an account last year. From there, I have made friends, told jokes that were better left untold, and been bitten by what we fan fiction writers call plot bunnies.

At about the same time that I began with the site, I was also fascinated by a Disney cartoon. Naturally, there was a section of fan fiction devoted to the stories of Kim Possible and her best friend Ron Stoppable. Before you mention it, yes, I am rather old to be so interested by a television show marketed to the "tweens" generation. Naturally, that doesn't stop me.

For the past year, I have been part of what we call the "Kimmunity". That is a group of writers on the site that have dedicated themselves to this particular niche. I have written stories for and, in one case, about these new friends.

Each year, one of the established writers hosts an online contest, where authors vote for one another in a number of categories. This little tribute is affectionately referred to as the "Fannies".

I am honored this year to have been nominated six times in four categories. For a first time writer, this is just mind boggling. I had hoped for a single nomination. While I do not expect to make the second round, it is thrilling to know that so many people have taken an interest in anything I've done.

This post probably falls under the category of tooting my own horn, but I'm just so excited, I thought I would share.

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