Wednesday, May 28, 2008

That's right, I'm back.

I realize it's been quite some time since I last added anything at all to this blog. I probably should have shut it down ages ago, but I wanted to keep the option of coming back to it open.

For anyone who was wondering, I've been spending a lot of my time on-line in a world called fan fiction. On that site, I have posted a number of short stories based on, of all things, a Disney cartoon. I found this site, quite by accident, a few month ago. It got me started in something as addictive as crack and as time consuming as a career. Creative writing.

Remember when our teachers told us to write short stories back in grade school? Where was when I needed it?

Since becoming a regular member of the site, I have been bitten by multiple plot bunnies. These are imaginary creatures that, when they bite you, infect you with story ideas. They are tricky, and breed just as quickly as standard bunnies. One of the writers from the site has been trying to come up with a defense against them, but so far the BE4000 (bunny eradicator) just keeps them under control. Anything you see or hear can become a plot bunny.

My dear wife has been very patient with me, but I must be very trying sometimes. The characters I am writing about are high school seniors, or college students, depending on the story. My vocabulary now includes such words as Boo-yah, sitch, PDP (puppy-dog-pout) and tanks, as in this is so awful, it really tanks. The younger set know exactly what I mean. My wife is still mystified if I use some of them.

Beware the writer's urge, my friends. The characters will whisper in your ear at night, when you are trying to sleep. They will not leave you alone until the story is out. Even then, they just wait until another night to keep you awake with stories to be told.

I will be posting here more often, just to get my mind out of my fiction. There is certainly enough in the news to make notes of. Real life does go on, even if we try to ignore it.

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